I'm a Yahoo! Messenger Power User! I'm not sure whether I should be proud of this. Doesn't it mean that I spend hours and hours online chatting on Y! messenger. I used to but I don't anymore because of lack of time. Anyway, Yahoo! recognized my contribution as a chatter and gave me a medal! A virtual one that looks like gold. :)
At first, I was afraid that the instant message I received was some sort of worm or trojan so before proceeding, I checked online to see what Yahoo had to say about Power users. It turns out the message was authentic. It's official people, Yahoo! loves me!
Power users (or top users) get exclusive rewards! Yeah, I know you're jealous. As a top user I can "enjoy great benefits made for me". There is a Power User page where I can choose my exclusive icon that will show up next to my name in my friends' Yahoo! messenger contact list.
I guess all those years of favoring Yahoo messenger over Msn finally paid of. In fact, I don't have Msn messenger on my comp anymore ever since the last time they asked me to update.
Just in case you guys didn't believe me I've chosen this special presence indicator available for power users only
This happened soon after I upgraded to Y Messenger 9, I don't know the two are related but I'm still happy. If you think you qualify to be a Power User but haven't received a message from Yahoo you might want to try and switch to the latest Yahoo messenger 9 to see if you get that message. If you are already using Messenger 9 then I guess you simply aren't a Power User, sorry. Now to choose my icon...
Of all the perks I've found the 24/7 Live Customer Care to be the most tempting. Think about it, I actually get to talk to a real Yahoo employee, a human being!!!!
Or as Yahoo puts it: "You're number 1 in our eyes, so as a Power User exclusive, we always have people here to answer your questions about Messenger in minutes. Contact us - we're here for you! wink ". I told you Yahoo! loved me.
There is also the All-Stars Group that I get to join. Members of the All-Stars group are the first to be informed of exclusive benefits and giveaways available to Power Users only.
Unfortunately I'm not one to adopt the novelties first.
What more can I say?
Oh yes, here is a list of some of the benefits of Power Users:
1. Exclusive online indicators
2. Custom Avatar Accessories
3. Enhanced Customer Care
4. Special contests & giveaways
5. Invitation to try new products first
So keep on using Yahoo messenger and you might be invited to join the club.