The phone impression is actually closer to the real life impression than the chat impression. Oh wait let me rephrase that. You have a better idea of how you'll feel towards a person by talking to him on the phone than you do by simply text chatting with him. You might have a really great time chatting with someone and then be annoyed or totally uncomfortable talking to him on the phone, chances are you'll feel the same way when you'll meet face to face. There's at least one person I've decided not to meet offline after I've talked to him on the phone.
I've sent SMS to only 2 people, Mahmoud (again) and Ali. Both of them were very happy to received them and they thanked me afterwards. I forgot to add my name at the end of the message but still they both knew it was from me!
SMS is good for people you can't meet online anymore but still want to stay in touch with each other. The only problem is that some people are charged for each sms they receive so you might want to talk about it with your friend before you bombard him with 50 sms a day. It's the same for phone calls, some people are charged for calls received on their cell phones.
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