Saturday, January 20, 2007

January 20th, 2007

It's been 2 years since I've started this blog. Can you believe it? A few hundred contacts later all I can say is that there are still many people out there for me to meet and get to know.

When I look back at what I wrote last January I'm very glad to say that I still keep in touch with Greeny whose blog I still read and I'm still inspired by Nick every now and then when I stop by at his blog.

Unfortunately I've not heard or read anything from Apostle John in a while, it's unfortunate since I don't have his contact information. He stopped blogging without saying anything I want to believe that he pulled the plug suddenly for some reason like many bloggers end up doing but that his family and him are Ok. Meq is also someone who seemed to have pulled the plug long before Apostle John did I could not find a person on her blogroll who could give me any news from her they didn't know her outside of the web. Sudhu still blogs (not very often) and I do pay him a visit once in a while.

This year also saw a drastic reduction of my chatting hours for better -my hands enjoyed the rest- and worse -I'm a hard time keeping in touch...-.

Seeing how this year started out for me it seems 2007 will be a year of consolidation. I might not meet many new people but I'll do my best to maintain the already existing "relationships" I have.

I feel flattered by my 21 feed subscribers, in fact it intimidates me a bit since I have not idea who 98% of you are. That second year sure went by quickly...

To end this post I want to thank all my chat friends without whom this blog would have never existed, my blogger friend from whom I've learned a lot, my feed subscribers their increasing number encourages me and all my visitors particularly those with whom I've chatted and who took the time to tell me what they liked or disliked about my blog. Thank you to all of you!

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Monday, January 15, 2007

On Saddam's execution

Riad asked for my opinion on Saddam Hussein's execution. I told him what I thought about it in brief and then he told me that Saddam was a good man (by the way how many world leaders are known by their first name?).

So I went on to ask him about the was with Iran, the invasion of Kuwait and the Kurds.

He said nothing about the war with Iran but he did say that the Kurds deserved whatever Saddam did to them because they supported Iran during the Iran/Iraq war and as for Kuwait, he said that they deserved it too because the made the Oil price go down.

I have to admit I was perplexed.

I tend to avoid political chat because I don't remember a single one I had that ended well.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Who are you?

I've written about it before in the past, but it's happened to me again.
Riad, a Jordanian man in his 40s (or 50s?), married with children, starts talking "nonsense" to me. The sort of nonsense some married men like to chat about when their wife is away...[I can't be more explicit than that because there are kids reading this]

Then it occurred to me that maybe someone else was using his computer and posing as him so I decided to test that person by referring to personal information I knew about him, he seemed to have passed that test but a person who knew him well enough would have passed it; so even now I'm having doubts. The fact is, unless the person you're chatting with is using a web cam you cannot be sure he is who he claims to be.

Countless time I would be mad at someone because of things he had said in a previous conversation only to have him ask me to forgive him because someone else was using his ID and that he was really sorry and that this someone else also did the same thing to his other friends etc... I'm hoping the same thing happened with Riad, it wasn't him, it could not have been him...

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

2007 is a brand new year, you can almost smell the freshness in the air! Well, even if you can't, I want to wish all of you a happy new year! May this year be a good one for all of you my friends and readers.